First, you’ll want to edit the order and look for the order status drop-down. Change the order to “On hold” and update the order. Now you can start editing the products.
Next, look down below the list of items in the order and you’ll see a button labeled “Add items.” Click on it and then the “Add Products” button that appears after that.
That will open up a modal window (pop-up) where you can actually add in new products. Use the search field there to locate the products you want to add and select them. Then click the “Add” button when you’re finished.
After that click on the “Recalculate” button to add everything together. This will update the total on the invoice. It will also show how much has been paid so far. Then we change the order status to “pending payment” and update the order.
After the order refreshes, we’ll want to look in the top right hand corner for the “order actions” box. In the drop-down there, select the “Email Invoice/Order details” option and click the button next to it. This will send a copy of the order to your customer. It will have a link they can use to pay the balance due.
They can also view the order in their account in the “orders” tab. There is a button there they can use to pay for any orders with an outstanding balance.
That’s all there is to it. We edited an existing order, set it to on hold. Added products. Recalculated the total. Set the order to “pending payment” and updated it. Then used order actions to send an invoice to the customer for payment.